Friday, November 20, 2009

Winter Dry Skin

Feeling like sandpaper already this fall and winter?

All of my hand washing to keep the germs away has wrecked serious havoc on my skin...

I have not gotten sick but my hands have taken a serious beating!!

I am adding a few of my favorite hand creams and items that you can wear while you sleep to help put some moisture back in your paws!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Holiday SALE!!!

Of course Skin Store is offering there usual 20% SALE plus FREE shipping with all orders over $49.

The code is HOL20

Type this in at checkout to SAVE just in time for your holiday shopping!!!

Sorry about the MIA!!

Being pregnant has made me lose all track of time!! Doctors appointments, hospital tours, choosing a pediatrician, meetings with Doulas, etc - AHH!!

So for all of you pregnant moms out there here are some of my favorite products that I have enjoyed during my 6 months of pregnancy.

I LOVE all of the Mustela products - the stretch mark cream is incredible so far so good for me!!

I also am obsessed with the Belli products - they have such a great fragrance - light but just enough that you can smell it all day!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Skin store SALE for the season!!

Click on the Skinstore Icon on the right to save.

At checkout type in:

BUY75 - when you purchase $75 or more and SAVE $10

type in:

BUY125 - when you spend $125 or more and SAVE $30

Just in time for shopping to begin!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Adult Acne

Questions concerning adult acne are the most commonly asked questions that I ever receive!!

People stop me, email me, phone and text me and 90% of the time they are questions about acne over the age of 30. Mostly people that have never had to deal with acne and are freaking out. Most of them have no clue how to take care of the problem and MOST can easily be fixed with switching up their products.

Here is you plan of action LADIES for your acne issues!!

1. Cleanse am and pm with a mild cleanser - don't break the bank with this one. It is just to remove residue, acne meds from the night before, oil, and makeup.

2. Then use your treatment cleanser again am and pm - one with salicylic acid/glycolic acids and leave it on for 30-45 seconds before you rinse it off....focusing on areas with breakouts. You do not need a wash cloth or any type of "scrubby" pads - just use your CLEAN hands to apply with water. My two favorites are Glycolix and DDF - both available on the right side of my blog.

AM Only

1. Use your SPF 30 - DAILY!!!!! Using acne meds can make you extremely sun sensitive so a high SPF is a must!! My favs are NIA 24 mineral SPF and Cellex C SPF 30. Both excellent choices for those of us dealing with acne. They are mineral based and WILL not pose a problem with your skin.

2. I prefer mineral foundation as your makeup not a favorite is Bare Minerals! Nothing in mineral foundations will break out your skin or clog your pores.


1. After you cleanse with your mild cleanser and your treatment cleanser...using only your hands not a wash cloth which can harbor bacteria. You will use your MD Skincare Peel is the absolute BEST thing for any one dealing with acne. From teens to adults - dry to extremely oily. Use Step 1 first all over your face and neck if you suffer from acne on your neck. About 3 minutes should do it then you can neutralize with Step 2...this peel kit can be used every night or every other or even ever third if it makes you to dry peely or red. It contains glycolic and salicylic acids. Both a must for dealing with acne. Available on the right side of my blog.

2. Then after Step 2 has dried - use ONE of the following. A Retinol product or Benzoyl Peroxide (BPO). Not both and not on the same night. Choose one or the other. Retinol can and should be applied all over your face - BPO should be applied on the areas that you break out ONLY!! Both can and will make you red, peely, and dry - so use sparingly. If you become to irritated back off and use every third night or until your skin becomes less irritated.
My favorite Retinols are Affirm and Skin Medica.
My favorite BPOs are DDF and B Kamins - both well formulated.

All of these products are available on my blog.

Read the past post to receive 20% off from SKINSTORE - today is the last day of the sale!

Monday, October 26, 2009

October 20% SALE with SKINSTORE!!

Click on the SKINSTORE icon on the right

Use the following code to save at checkout...



Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Signature Style

Some of my favorite models and actresses have a distinct "signature style".  They keep their hair relatively in the same way...keeping it current but similar.  They have a certain way that they dress daily.  They know what works for them and so they stick with it.

I have always loved Claudia Schiffer's style...the long blonde hair, simply lines of clothing, a nice bag, huge sunglasses, and of course a beautiful watch.  She looks timeless and elegant.

I also love Kate Moss - if you look back at Kate's life in fashion - she has kept her look basically the same.  Knowing what works for her and again sticking with it.  Shoulder length golden locks that always look a but messy, great skirts that show off her gams, funky jewelry, large sunglasses, and one piece of trendy clothing...perhaps the newest trend in shoes...

Being 36 - I know what works for myself and what does not.  My hair looks best - long and blonde.  I have tried many different colors and styles but this works best for me.  Jeans and pants that skim just the top of my shoes look best.  V-necks and boat neck shirts tend to be my forte and make me feel good about myself.  I like bright colors - such as pinks, purples, turquoises - years of trying all colors and then viewing photos of myself - make me know what works and what does not.  Short nails, no polish - look best on me.  Dark denim - always looks best!!  My one signature piece of jewelry would be my gold hoop earrings - they are timeless and easily go from day to evening.  I have worn this type of earring for over 15 years - and I still love the way they make me feel.  A nice watch and a new bag...I have always believed that if you have these 2 you really don't need much else.  

What is your signature style?  Have you found it yet?  When have you last been complimented on an outfit or hairstyle?  Is it time for you to try something new or does your current style make you feel awesome??

Find what works for your body - for your coloring and stick with what looks best!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Save 20% by using this code

Click on the SKINSTORE icon on the right

At checkout type in this code


You will save 20% on your order!!  

Orders over $49 have FREE shipping!!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bacteria oh my!!

So we are all accustomed to washing our hands 20x a day to prevent the spread of disease and germs.  

But what about your cosmetics and other items you touch daily??

Take a look at your makeup bag or you see makeup sponges, brushes, and puffs that are covered with hair, dirt. oil, and makeup??  GROSS!!!  First of all try to clean them with anti-bacteria soap - if they still look dirty and dingy throw them out!!  

What about your foundations, creams, lotions, and anything else that maybe in a liquid form...have they separated?  Have you had them over a year?  Time to pitch them as well.

Now to your makeup bag itself.  Remove all of it contents and clean out your bag - throwing away anything broken such as powders and eye shadows...if your makeup bag it filthy and you can throw it in the washer - do so.  If not then try to clean it with anti-bacterial spray.  

AHHH - now doesn't that look better.

On to mascara - you really should only use mascara for 3-5 months before you throw it out. Don't pump your wand in and out either - it can push bacteria into the casing itself.  I also heard the other day 2 ladies talking about adding water to their mascara to make it last longer - a BIG no no!!!  Again this can add bacteria to your mascara causing you to have a really bad eye infection!!  YUCK!!

Clean your cell phone people - it is such a bacteria ridden thing!!  Simple use rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball - not so much as to damage the phone - but enough to kill the germs, bacteria, and old makeup that are growing in there!!  This can also help tremendously with acne on your cheeks from holding your phone.  

Other places where germs like to live - your steering wheel, your doorknobs, the knobs on your sinks, all gym equipment (drives me crazy when people don't clean off there sweat after they work out....YUCK!!)....

We all want to remain healthy this Fall season - so start cleaning!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Go Crazy on vaca!!

Once a year I step way out of my box. 

Typically, I am an extremely "by the book" type person.  I eat clean 95% of the time, spend very little money, only buy necessities,  save most of what I earn, never check the weather (as you know I am a sun avoider) i.e. never get into the sun, I never have dessert, I workout regularly - 4-6 days per week......I am organized - everything has it's place and I am an all around a routine girl.

Then vacation comes!!

I do everything completely opposite of my "usualness" for one week of the year!!

I go to the beach (with a high SPF on) but still I am at the beach in direct sunlight....for many hours.
I never check the prices of anything - from meals, to shopping - I just buy what I want.
I have dessert at every single meal....anything from Key Lime pie to full fat ice cream!
I exercise - but very little - not checking caloric burn or intensity....just walk for fun.
I don't clean or keep things organized at all....the condo or home we stay in looks like a dorm room....with clothes and things strewn everywhere!

For one week of the year - this is my "going crazy" time!!  I know that a lot of people live this way daily...but I chose to live more of a responsible, hard-working, do the right thing type lifestyle.

It is great for me to be the to be my opposite self - do things I never do - and then get back to my normalcy of everyday life.  

Friday, September 11, 2009

Plumping up your skin!!!

We all want that dewy glowing skin that sweet little children have....:)

No one wants their skin to look old, leathery, dry, and wrinkled - so here is your plan to luminous fresh looking skin!

1.  Cleanse am and pm with a Glycolic Acid cleanser (if this makes you too peely dry or red  - back off and only use 1x per day)

2.  AM - use your SPF 30 or higher every single day for the rest of your life!! Make sure it contains either titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, or parasol 1789 (avobenzone).

3.  Mix your SPF with an antioxidant serum, lotion, or powder for extra protection - and to help with free radicals.

4. Stop using face/blotting type powders - they tend to crease and make you look way older than you are.  Instead use blotting papers throughout the day.

5.  After you finish applying your makeup - always spray lightly with a mineral water spritzer - this will take away the dry and cakey look and give you the Hollywood glow!!  - Even if it is fake!!!

1.  After you have cleansed in the evening - blot your face dry never rub - always use your hands to cleanse and not a wash cloth.  They are tooooo rough on your skin.

2.  Use a topical AHA (alpha hydroxy) - something with salicylic, lactic, or glycolic acids in 

3.  Then apply your topical retinol over the AHA product - layering is just fine!!

4.  If you feel too dry tight or have extra sensitive skin - apply a topical antioxidant - I prefer one with white tea, green tea, or vitamin c in it.

Now get some sleep - it is one of the best ways to have gorgeous glowing skin!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Obagi ON SALE!!!!!

Obagi is NEVER on sale but it is now!  

Save 20% off on Obagi products!!!!

CLICK on the Skinstore icon on the right to purchase.

At checkout type in OBAGI20 to save 20%...

Sale ends September 8th!!

*****Spend $49 or more and you receive FREE shipping always!!!!******

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Obesity in America

According to an article published in the New York Times today September 2, 2009 - 

"Two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. For most, research shows, neither diets nor moderate exercise brings significant long-term weight loss."

"Dieting alone is rarely successful, and relapse rates are high.  Moderate exercise, too, rarely results in substantive long-term weight loss, which requires intensive exercise."  These facts are from a new study from the Centers for Disease Control. 

According to this study - 
"The leisurely after-dinner walk may be pleasant, and it may be better than another night parked in front of the television. But modest exercise of this sort may not do much to reduce weight, evidence suggests."

“People don’t know that a 20-minute walk burns about 100 calories,” said Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom, director of the weight-management center at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. “People always overestimate the calories consumed in exercise, and underestimate the calories in food they are eating.”

I am so glad to read this study - it is something my husband and I have known all along.  

For myself I try to burn at least 400-450 calories during my cardio workouts 4x a week.  Every person  is different and will need to burn different amounts to lose weight.  This just happens to be the number I need to burn per day to keep my weight maintained.  

Keep in mind that many cardio machines over estimate the number of calories burned.  The only way to know for sure exactly how much you have burned is to wear a heart rate monitor.  

Try wearing a pedometer while you run or walk.  Newer stlye pedometers are able to program in your step length and your current weight.  It is amazing to see how long it takes to burn 400 calories while this is not a leisurely walk - you should not be able to carry on a conversation - you should be breathing hard!!  Typically it takes me about 2 hours of walking - about 7 miles to make my goal of 400-450.

There are many days that I do not want to work out - that I would much rather go home then go to the gym BUT I force myself to go and I am ALWAYS glad I did.  

If you would simply write down all of the food and liquids you consume in a journal for a week - you would be completely surprised at the number of calories you have eaten in a day.  Most people should be aiming for 1500-1800 calories per day.  

Do something for yourself today - run/bike ride(not just down hill either) - walk for an hour....drink tons of water - make it your mantra!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

20% SALE!!

Click on the SKINSTORE icon on the right

At checkout use the code 20AUG to save 20% on your order

This SALE will last approximately 3 days ONLY!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Living below your really is easy!

For some reason our yard is the place to be in the afternoon for the neighborhood kids.  Probably b/c of our Chihuahua....

Monday there was a group of them hanging out in our driveway on their said to me..

"when are you moving?"
I answered "oh we have to sell our house not for while"
He then looked in our garage with a puzzled look on his face and said "well where is all of your stuff"..
I looked in our very neat and organized garage and answered "well we really don't have a lot of stuff - just things we need."
He looked at me with amazement in his eyes (keep in mind he is no more than 8 years old) and responded "well that is great so you only buy things that you need....what a fantastic way to live!!"

Well spoken my 8 year old friend!!

This is how we live.  We only purchase items that we need.  We only buy an item when we are out of another item.  We only buy in bulk as my husband calls it when there is a nice price reduction.  Plus I hate the clutter!!!  I never become emotionally attached to material items...

The joke at our house is if it has been sitting around too long watch out b/c Mindy will sell it on Ebay or Craigslist.  

We also do everything ourselves.  We mow our own grass (much to my hubs dismay), we clean our own home, no personal shopper or personal chef for us...

We limit our going out to eat to 2x per week and we only get water with our meals (this is more of a health reason than a money saving reason).   We take our own lunch to work, eat breakfast at home or on the run.

I never leave the lights on in a room that I am not it.  I turn the water off when not in use.

I shop online for sales and at discount stores like TJ Max....trying never to pay full price.  

It is a lifestyle that works for us....a way to to feel in control of your money and to not waste on items that in 6 months you ask yourself why you purchased it.  

I have lived paycheck to paycheck in the past BUT many years ago I made the switch to a much simpler type of lifestyle and it is sooo much better for me this way.  


Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I know that I have talked about hyperpigmentation in the past BUT I feel that their is soooo much misinformation out there I must discuss it again.

Hyperpigmentation is the darkened area of the skin usually in the form of sun spots or large  discolored areas.  The main cause is from too much sun exposure and hormones, caused from birth control and pregnancy  It can affect men or women mainly starting in the mid 20's.  

What can you do about it?  

Limiting your time in the sun and wearing a sunblock on a daily basis is the best way to protect yourself from getting these spots.  Look for SPF 30 or higher with one of these ingredients - Titanium Dioxide, Zinc Oxide, or Parasol 1789 (avobenzone).  Again you must wear SPF daily - not just when you are out in the sun or at the beach....daily is best for prevention.  Remember to take the SPF all the way down your neck and chest - men that goes for you too!!!

If you already have hyperpigmentaion - look for products that contain Retinol, Glycolic Acid, and Hydroquinone.  The Retinol is an over-the-counter product that will help over time to diminish the spots as will the Glycolic Acid.  Hydroquinone is a product that will help to lighten the areas - only use it for 6-8 weeks then stop using it for a month or so and then start will achieve the best results this way.

Remember the moment you step back into the sun the spots WILL come back so you must protect yourself DAILY!!!  

On the right of my blog are products that I prefer for  helping to diminish those pesky dark areas!!  

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

SALE - at Skin Store!!

Type in AUG15 at checkout to save 15%

Typically these sales last 4-5 days ONLY so don't miss out!

CLICK on the skinstore icon on the right and SHOP!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tanning bed usage - huge risk for skin cancer

I have shared with you before that I had melanoma in my mid 20's.  I was a huge sun worshipper and was proud to say that I went to the tanning bed every single day my senior year of high school.  WOW - what an accomplishment!!

A new study recently published in Lancet Oncology states the following:

the risk of skin cancer increases by 75 percent when people start using tanning beds before age 30. “We’ve known for a long time that UV light is a carcinogen, and it’s a bad idea to sit in one of those things,” says Dr. Whelan. “Whatever the short term pleasures you get from the positive effects of having a tan are not worth the ultimate price.”

I have been preaching to young girls for years to stay out of the sun and especially cancer causing tanning beds.  Finally a study that proves just this!!!

So once and for all - STOP TANNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 31, 2009

New awesome products JUST IN!!!

I am sooo excited to add some new items!!

Stila makeup has been around for years and is coveted by many makeup artists and cool people!!  They are known for their smokey eye kits and their lip glazes!!

I sold Glytone at a derm office where I once worked and I was very impressed with this line of Glycolic products.  Especially if you are looking for a high concentrate of glycolic acid in a well formulated product.  These work so well for extremely dry skin as well as KP keratosis pilaris...those unsightly bumps mainly affecting the backs of arms.  

Too Faced is another makeup line that I love....they have a nice selection of glosses and bronzers that I have been using for many years!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Be Active today!

Being active/fit/getting a good sweat makes me feel so much better!!

Nothing gets me feeling better than taking a run, fast walk, spinning, jumping rope, or strength training.  

I truly believe that physical activity cures everything from depression to obesity to diabetes and high blood pressure.  I have sooo many friends that are on meds for high blood pressure at such a young age....if only they would exercise!!!  

I do some type of cardio for at least 45 minutes aiming for 400-450 calories each time....4 times a week PLUS I strength train with weights 2x a week.  This combo keeps up muscle tone (being that after 30 a women starts to lose a pound of muscle every single year) so this is VERY important!!  

So today I challenge you to get out there - feel your heart pumping...sweat....get active....nothing does the body and the mind better than a good cardio workout!!!  I promise you will look and feel better!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Roots drive me crazy!!

My hair grows incredible fast - so fast that I feel like I have roots the moment I leave the salon.  I have to get my hair hi-lighted every 5-6 weeks or I go crazy!!

About week 3-4 I start to notice out-growth....and being that I am sooo blonde it starts to look a bit rough.

I have discovered the greatest invention yet - Hair Mascara by Oscar Blandi!!  It comes in a mascara type wand and you paint it on the roots or wherever you want it to go - and it washes out completely.  It is amazing - it lets you go several weeks over your time to get your hair done and one tube lasts for months.  It is a true hair product miracle!!!!!!

It also comes in several different colors - not just blonde.  

Yippee another hair catastrophe gone!!

To purchase simply click on the product on the right!!  You won't be disappointed!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

SALE at Skin Store

Spend over $75 and Save $10 - Code BUY75 at checkout

Spend over $100 and Save $15 - Code BUY100 at checkout

Spend over $125 and Save $25 - Code BUY125 at checkout

Click on the Skinstore icon on the right to start shopping and Save!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Facials- your questions answered

A facial is a treatment given by an aesthetician ranging in price from $75 to an upwards of $300. Facials typically last between a half an hour to an hour and a half.  I typically recommend to most of my clients to have their facials 1x per month.

During the facial you can expect to have your skin cleansed several times in the beginning of the treatment.  I use steam during this time unless my client has broken capillaries then I don't use steam.  I keep the steam on to soften any gunky substance in the pores which makes extractions much easier.  

Then I will use some type of light acids to again assist in the breaking up of old dry damaged cells and the gunk in your pores.  I will massage this into the skin with the steam continuing to work its magic.  

Steam is now completed.  After the acids have been removed I will then take a look at your skin under the scary magnification lamp.  I can see blackheads, hyperpigmentation , pores, dryness...anything that is plaguing your skin.  

Extractions come next - either you love them or hate them but they are very necessary!! Getting all of the stuff out of your pores helps to make pores appear smaller...I will work on any pimples and blackheads at this point.  

Depending on skin condition - a light peel may be recommended at this point in the facial.  (see below for an entire break down of peel types)

A bacteria "killer" is then added to the skin to make sure no breakouts occur after your facial - this is a critical part.

A mask that is chose based on skin type is now applied.

I am not a huge fan of massaging the face especially if you have any acne issues.  If you have dry mature skin then a facial massage is perfectly fine.  I will then massage your neck, shoulders, arms, and hands.  

Mask will then be removed with steamed towels...and the treatment products needed for your skin type are added.  Of course no one leaves without SPF 30 on!!!

Variations of facials are always given depending on your skin type.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Save 20%

Click on the Skinstore icon on the right and start shopping!

When finished type in JULY20 at checkout to save 20%


Click on one of the products to the right to purchase!

Happy 4th!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Last week I decided to try even more products from my new Best Friend Forever (BFF) Dr. Perricone and wow was I impressed.....

I love his products.  That being said I really don't believe all the hype surrounding his products claiming that your skin will change completely BUT I really like the feel and texture of his cleansers and toners.  They don't leave me feeling oily or greasy in this summer stickiness....I feel refreshed and I swear the texture seems to be a bit better!  

So I am SOLD!

I have added a few more on my blog - click on the right to read more or to purchase.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Need Spanx??

Who doesn't love SPANX??  

Click on the Fresh Pair icon on the right to check out all of the different styles - they even have ones for shorts, capris, full body, and panties!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

20% off sale Skinstore

Skinstore is having there awesome 20% storewide SALE!!

Type in summer20 at checkout to save!!

Free shipping if spend over $49..

Click on icon on the right or any products you would like to read more about!!!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sunscreen, SPF, and Sunblock...ON SALE!!!

You all now know that I am a believer in DAILY SPF 30!   

I never leave my house without it on my face, neck, and chest...

It is the easiest thing to do to prevent further - 
sun damage, brown spots, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin,  texture issues, skin cancer, and pre-mature aging.

So be smart this summer and everyday throughout the year and use a DAILY SPF 30 - even if you are just walking the dog, going to the office, getting lunch with friends.....even if it is raining and cloudy!!

I have listed my favorites that are also ON SALE - just click on the one you want to purchase and buy from there!!  

At Checkout type SPF20 - to save 20%!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Perricone products added

I am usually not a huge fan of products that make really wild outrageous claims.

I do like a few of the Perricone products.  The Tinted moisturizer has a few nice colors and it has an SPF of 15 with a block ingredient which is great. (a good option for day time not a day at the beach)

I also like the cleansers as your "treatment" cleanser not a makeup remover.  Leave on for 15 seconds or so and then rinse.

The toners are also an option for you - containing salicylic and glycolic - nice formulas.

Just a few new options for you to choose from.  Click on photos to read more and purchase.

Thanks and enjoy!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hair - how to deal with fine and unruly hair like mine!!

Let's just say that I was not blessed with "good hair"!  

In fact, mine is or has been over-processed, thin, fine, tangly from exercising and running all the time, and pretty much a disaster due to too much drying and curling and flat ironing throughout the years....

I have several close girls friends that I am so envious of their locks - they are shiny, healthy,they don't really pay much attention to their hair at all and they have tons of it!  

So I have learned that I have to take extra care of my hair!!

I use extra moisturizing conditioners and leave in treatments before I blow dry or use a curling iron.  I only use shampoos designated for hi-lighted/colored hair. I use a leave in nightly treatment several times a week (it is expensive but WELL worth it) it is my secret product!! I also use an ionic blow dryer and only ceramic flat irons and curling irons.

This strategic plan has made a world of difference in my lovely locks - maybe not luscious but as good as they can be!!  

Check out my favorite products on the right - to read more about each product or to purchase - simply click on the picture!

Here's to good hair days allll summer long!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sunblock -" the non breaking you out kind"!!!

Most of my clients and people that I know hate the feeling and are terrified that Sunscreen, SPF, and Sunblock will breakout their skin...

They remember the goopy feeling as their parents slathered it on them as a child and they don't want to feel that again!!  

They also don't want to risk an acne breakout - on their face or their chest and back.

Believe me I understand!!  

There are some wonderful choices out there now that will NOT feel slick, greasy, or thick and will not cause your skin to break out.  

Remember I am a vampire when it comes to the sun - I completely avoid it!!!!

So just remember to apply your SPF 15 minutes before you hit the beach, drive to your office, go for a run, or plant flowers.  

I prefer a SPF (sunblock of a 30 for daily use) and for a day at the beach a 30 or higher!!!  You must reapply SPF every 2 hours or more frequently if you are in the water/pool/lake/or ocean. 

There is absolutely no such thing as a safe tan!!!!  

So getting your "base" tan is quite ridiculous really - you are still causing damage to your skin.

If you want to be tan get it out of a bottle but even with this you still must apply  SPF - self-tanners do not protect you from the sun at all!!! 

I am tan all year round - but it is FAKE - from a bottle  - not from the damaging rays of the sun or tanning bed!!  

I have my favorite best formulated SPF options on the right - just click to purchase!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Waxing Brows 101

I have waxed thousands of people's brows over my years in the beauty biz.  

Here are your waxing questions answered!!

1.  The wax is going to be warm, not necessarily hot when being put on the brow area.
2.  You should not wax your brows if you are on ACCUTANE.  Wait 3 months after getting off this drug before getting them waxed again.
3.  If you use Retin-A, Retinol, Tazorac, Retin-A micro, Tretinoin, or any other Vitamin A derivative - you MUST stop using for 1 week at least before getting your brows done.  Your skin can lift if you don't.
4.  Getting your brows done makes a HUGE difference in the way your face looks - I have been told that it is an instant facelift!!  
5.  You will be red - maybe for 5 minutes maybe for the rest of the day - this is normal...everyone's skin is different.
6.  Some aestheticians apply powder before putting the wax on some do not...(I don't).  Either way is fine.
7.   If you get tiny pimples on your brow area after being waxed - it is perfectly ok to use a benzoyl peroxide product to help alleviate this.  
8.  Tweezing brows to get that perfect appearance is what should be done after waxing.  By taking off a few hairs can make a beautiful brow.
9.  Brows should be done every 2-4 weeks.  
10.  Let a professional do your waxing - I do not recommend you waxing yourself - you can drip wax in your eye very easily.

Need your brows done??  I absolutely LOVE doing brows!!!

You can book an appointment with me online:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Humidity - how to keep your cool!!

I love summer!!!  But I hate what it does to my skin.

I start breaking out more and I become extremely oily!!

Here are some ways that I keep the acne and greasies to a minimum...

1.  Switch from a liquid foundation to a mineral foundation - a little goes a loooonnnnggg way!!  Don't over -powder because then you will look creasy and cakey!!
2.  Spritz your skin with a fine mist spray - to get rid of the powder look but still have nice coverage. Keep spritzer with you all of the time - they come in smaller sizes that fit in your bag.  **Remember the last thing you want to do is make yourself look older - this is a MUST have**
3.   If you find yourself having more acne, blackheads, skin issues in the summer months - you MUST treat BEFORE you get the acne not after!!!  So use your salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide products 4-5x a week - so you are attacking the problems before they happen!!
4.  Use the incredible oil absorbing sheets instead of continually adding powder to your skin.  My routine is this....I use the sheets several times a day(yes I am THAT oily at 35)....then 1-2x a day I use my powder.  Both times I use the spritzer for that glowy look!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

EZ ways to have better skin TODAY!

1.  You are what you eat...don't you remember this from a Saturday morning special??  So fill up on fruits, veggies, fish, nuts, whole wheat...cut the sugar, diet and regular soda, fast food, packaged processed junk food, and cut back on alcohol.  Your thighs, heart, and stomach will thank you too!

2.  Stop smoking!! One of the absolute worst habits you can have for your skin!  Your organs will thank you on this one.

3.  Drink water - the old 64 ounce rule just does not cut it today!!  For example I weigh about 120 pounds.  If you multiply 120 by 75% that equals 90 - that is approximately how many ounces I should have of plain water per day....90!!    Now if I exercise and sweat(which I do 4-5x a week) I usually have about 100-110 ounces.  So most people are not getting enough - measure yours per day and let me know if you are deficient with your water intake.  Plus water can help your skin be more plump and less dry.

4.  Get out of the sun!!  Stop laying out in the sun, stop going to the tanning bed aka cancer bed, and start wearing an SPF 30 DAILY!!!  Get a spray tan - become an expert on self-tanning!!  I have many great at home products on here to use for self-tanning!  

5.  Get enough sleep - I know you moms say yeah right...but an adult still needs AT LEAST 6   hours per night shooting for 8!!  This will save you money on purchasing eye creams for dark circles too!!  Sleep on your back as much as possible - sleeping on your face can cause wrinkles and make you look more puffy.

Look you spent Zero Dollars!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Storewide Memorial Day SALE!!

Click on the Skinstore icon to the right

At checkout -  type in this PROMO code MAY20 to SAVE 20% storewide!!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Save May 20-21

Save 20% on certain products including the MD Skincare Peel kit!!!!

Click on the Skin Store Icon to the right

Type in May2009 at checkout to Save 20%

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Be an Ingredient detective!

I know that a lot o people are very loyal to their product lines.  I used to be the same way - only using one certain line and never trying something new.  

The truth is this - all products in product lines are NOT great. 
In other words - you may have a fantastic product from one line and the rest of the line be worthless.

It is perfectly fine to use products from different lines.  You may love an eye cream from Clinique and use a cleanser from Estee Lauder - all totally fine.

Don't let those counter reps at the department store push you around telling you that the products work together and that you must use the entire line to "get the best results".

In fact that is a complete lie!!

If you were to look at all of the products I use - you would notice very few are from the same product line.  In fact, I pick and choose what I like from a variety of different skin care lines.

The main thing to know is that you must be an ingredient detective - I know you love the packaging - the way the product is dispensed...but really that does not matter at all!!

You have to look at the ingredients!!  It is the ONLY way to know if the products you are using actually do anything to your skin or not.  

That is where I come in....:)

If you have a certain product that you want me to look at - send me an email and I will tell you if it is actually doing anything or not.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Big Announcement!!

Thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog and supporting me since inception in January!!

I truly LOVE writing on skin and how to deal everyone's individual issues.

I am sooo excited to announce my newest venture.

At Home Personal Skin Consultations - $100
And I mean personal - I will come to your home and provide an up close and personal consultation with you.  We will go over each product that you have ever used, what has worked for you, what your concerns are.  What concerns you have and what you hate about your skin.  I will go over each product that you use on a daily basis and tell you what you need to stop immediately and what you may need to add to have the best skin possible.  I will go through your makeup bag and see what needs to be tossed and what you may need to add to have that glowing gorgeous skin you have always wanted.
If you have wrinkles, sun damage, blackheads, acne, scarring if you have been to countless doctors and nothing seems to work - I am here for you!!  Whatever your problem have I am here to help you fix it!!!
I will be offering this service on Mondays and Wednesdays - spending as much time as it takes to get you exactly where you want to be.  Contact me at to schedule your at home visit (or wherever you need me to meet you)

If you prefer we can do everything via email/phone $50
If you do not live in the Nashville area - we can do everything via email/phone.  I can do everything as mentioned above just via email and phone....we just won't get to meet in person.
Again email me at to schedule a time to discuss your personal skin care issues .

I look forward to working on a personal level with each of you!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Got dry skin - even in summer??

If you are dry even in the summer months you may be over-exfoliating.  

Stop using your retinols and glycolics as frequently.  Use only 2-3x a week maximum.

Also no more mechanical exfoliating - meaning the scrubs you are using to get rid of the dead flakes - this could be part of your issue as well.

The best way to mechanically exfoliate your skin is by using an extremely soft washcloth in the shower with baking soda as your exfoliator.  Do this 2-3x per week maximum.

You also need to add a hyaluronic acid product to your routine.  Hyaluronic acid is not an acid that is going to exfoliate your skin like a salicylic or glycolic will.  Hyaluronic acid binds moisture to the skin and is the body's own natural moisturizer.  It provides instant and ling-term hydration.  This type of acid is going to add moisture to your skin not oil.  

Another great way to use would be to put on immediately when you get out of the shower - thus your skin is a bit damp and will drink the moisture in!!

Use your hyaluronic product before you put your SPF on in the am and also use in the evening after you have cleansed.

More to come on how to deal with dryness in the summer!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Daily SPF!!

Ok peeps I just heard on the Today Show wrong information about SPF just as I was having writers block.

You must USE a separate SPF/Sunblock... the tiny amount of SPF that is in your makeup just is NOT enough!!!  

So your routine should be this in the am
1.  Cleanse skin
2.  Apply  moisturizer to dry areas or all over depending on skin type and need.
3.  Then apply your separate SPF 30 from your hairline covering your entire face - down your neck and chest - 2 quarter size amounts should do it.  For most people this is enough moisture and a separate moisturizer will not be necessary.  
4.  Then apply whatever makeup/foundation you want.

You MUST apply your SPF every single day - in the rain, snow, wind, sun, if you step outside for 1 minute you must have it on!!!

It is the best anti-ager - the best defense against brown spots, tone, texture, wrinkles, redness, broken capillaries, fine lines, sun damage - not to mention skin cancer!!  It is the single best thing you will ever do for your skin!!!  Men and women of all ages should be wearing SPF 30!!!  

If you do nothing else at all for yourself - just do this and you will see a difference!!!

I slather it on my husband - I have finally gotten him into the habit of applying it daily after 4 years of trying!!!

I also apply a mineral powder with natural SPF in it as my foundation for a bit of extra protection AND I use a separate touch up mineral powder during the day especially on my commute home with the sun blaring in my car.

OK I am finished preaching - now just do it!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Got Dark Circles?? Spots to cover up? Here's my fav concealer!

There is always something that I am covering up on my face - whether it is red blotches, dark circles, or blemishes I use concealer everyday!!  

My favorite is Alison Raffaele True Concealer ..... for anything you want covered.  I know that I have blogged about my obsession with her concealer before but I just had to mention it again...
Her concealer goes on beautifully and stays put until you wash it off in the evening (I know you are all cleansing your skin before you retire to bed :)).  It has a smooth consistency and covers better than anything I have ever tried.  It is creamy but yet does not leave your skin greasy or oily.  Plus it lasts forever - I used mine for at least 2 years until I had to purchase a new one.  

Love Love Love this product!!  

The best way to use your own concealer or Alison's is to - 

First apply your SPF, any moisturizers you use, and your foundation....that's right apply your foundation BEFORE you use your concealer.  I have found that you can cover up unwanted issues better after you see what your foundation has not taken care of.  

Then by using the sponge tip applicator apply to the areas you want to cover.  I dab on a small amount to all areas and then I go back to each one and use my ring finger (which applies the least amount of pressure thus not removing too much of the product) to slightly smooth out the product so to cover exactly what I need covered.  Less is definitely more in this situation!!  
Then you can finish your makeup routine and finish with powder to ensure your makeup and concealer stays put.  If you are too powdery looking use your Evian spray to make yourself look dewy!!

As for choosing the perfect color for your skin - I always go just a tad bit darker - I believe that a concealer that is too light just brings more attention to the area you want covered. 

I use Alison's True Concealer #3 - I have light to medium skin tones.  Similar to Jessica Simpson or Jewel.  

Monday, May 4, 2009

I am offering NEW peels!!

Great offer on Professional Peels!!

Salicylic/Glycolic peels - $45 for the month of MAY!!

Retinol/Glycolic peels - $45 for the month of MAY!!

Call (615) 356-0919 or go to and book online!

**service available with Mindy ONLY**

Looking dull?? No life to your skin? Here's your plan to a glowing you!!

These are questions that I am frequently asked....

When you are a child your skin cells are turning over all of the time.  As we grow older and are exposed to the environment and the old bad sun our skin starts to take on a dull appearance.

If you are missing your youthful glow - here are a few steps to take to retain your youthfulness!!

AM Regimen 

1.  Start by using a Glycolic cleanser - use a gentle cleanser to remove traces of makeup and oil, after removing that, then add your glycolic cleanser as a treatment.  Leave it on for 15 seconds to a minute massaging it into your face, neck, and chest and then remove with water.  This will help to alleviate those dead cells and get things moving.  My 2 favs are MD Forte Facial Cleanser and Glycolix.  Start by using the glycolic cleanser 1x per day for a 4 weeks and then use 2x per day.  

2.  Next your are going to use a topical Vitamin C for added protection against the sun.  Vitamin C also helps with tightening, toning, brightening, and the texture of your skin.  A few of my favs are Cellex-C Potency Serum and  LaRoche Posay Light Active C.

3.  Next is your SPF 30 DAILY protection!!!!!  Rain, sun, snow, going outside or must use a SPF every single day for the rest of your life!!!!!!!!!!!! If you step outside even for 1 minute you must be protected and ladies your foundation protection is NOT enough!!!!!!!!  My favs are MD Forte Environmental Protection Cream SPF 30, Cellex C SPF 30, and Biomedic Facial Shield SPF 30 (use this if you prefer Avobenzone as the main ingredient).

4.  Then use your foundation and any other makeup you prefer.  I love Bare Minerals!!

PM Regimen

1.  Gentle cleanser followed by your Glycolic cleanser. (see above)

2.  Next you are going to use a topical Glycolic product.  I LOVE the Glytone Essentials Boost Mini Peel Gel that I just discovered.  It is a great option!!! I also am obsessed with the REN Glycolactic Skin Renewal Peel Mask....these are both fabulous options for an at home peel!! If you are new to glycolic products  - please know that they are suppose to tingle a bit and they will turn your skin a bit pink.  This means that they are working!!

3.  Adding a Retinol product will then be your last step.  I love the La Roche Posay Retinol 15, 30, and 60.  They are so simple to use - start with the 15 if you are brand new to retinols, the 30 if you have been using retinols for 6 months or a year, and the retinol 60 if you are used to using retinols for many years.  Retinols will allow your skin to turn cells over like they did on their own when you were a child.  Start be using 1-2x a week - for several weeks.  You will gradually use every night.  You are suppose to peel and be pink!!  This is what the product does so don't freak out - just back off a few days and then start back up.

 *** NOTE YOU MUST NOT GET INTO THE SUN AT ALL while using retinols or glycolics - they can make you extremely sun sensitive!!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Peels - what are they and how are they different?

Peels are preformed in either a salon/spa/or physicians office.  When I first started having peels done for my acne they were only performed by a physician AND they were paid for by insurance.  That was in 1995.  Not the case now to my knowledge no peels are covered by insurance now and most are given by an aesthetician or clinician. Peels range from very mild(with very little peeling) to having to be given some type of anesthesia because you are going very deep in the skin.  

Here is a breakdown of some of the most popular peels out there..

A glycolic acid peel is actually the same thing as an alpha peel.  Meaning alpha hydroxy and glycolic acid are the same thing.  When people hear the word acid they immediately become frightened.  Don't worry it is a very mild acid not battery acid.  Glycolic peels are excellent for sun damaged, rough skin.  They help to turn over dead skin cells making room for fresh cells to come forward.  They help with freckling, fine lines, and sun spots!  Great for anti-aging!!  You can expect to flake or "peel"  - peeling is what you want thus the name "peel".  You will not start flaking or peeling for about 3-5 days and then can expect to be flake free in about 10 -12 days.  You will be pink/reddish when you leave the salon or clinic - this is normal and expected.A series of these peels is recommended - I prefer a series of 6 and then a maintenance of 1x per month depending on the skin condition and texture.  

***Make sure that whomever is applying your peel is a licensed aesthetician with many years of experience.

Salicylic peels or beta hydroxy is another type of peel.  Salicylic acid is great for acne, pimples, blackheads, oiliness, and rough textured skin.  Again these are very safe and you can expect the same type of results from this type of peel.  

Combo of glycolic and salicylic peels  - these are one of my favorite peels!  I believe that by combining different types of acids you can provide the very best results!!!  This type targets anything from acneic  skin to fine lines.  Again you can expect the same type of reuslts as above.

Retinol peels - another excellent choice!!  These peels mainly target fine lines and deeper wrinkles.  Retinol is the cousin of Retin-a (tretenoin) - it is the over the counter version of the prescription treatment.  Retinol is a great way to target lines on the skin.  Your skin will peel anywhere from 4-5 days later and continue peeling for 10-12 days.  

Vitamin C peels  - light peels for those of you scared of the word peel this is your option.  Slight peeling occurs with this one.  You will not get the cellular turn over that you would from the others previously mentioned.  It is extremely mild.  These can bee added to a facial to brighten the skin.

There are many different types of at home peels.  I would recommend that after having a professional peel that for the best results and to keep your skin looking as fresh as possible that you use an at home peel or an alpha/beta hydroxy product 2-3x a week.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Skinstore SAVE 20%

Click on the Skinstore icon and SAVE 20% by using the MDAY20 code at checkout!!

Sale ends Monday May 4th!!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

So excited to announce!

I am starting to do aesthetics again!

YIPPEE!!  I am going to be working at an awesome waxing boutique called WAX NASHVILLE!!

I will be offering many services including the "Ultimate Brow" which is a full service brow experience all together :)  

I will also be doing ALL waxing services, including bikini, leg, brazilian, arms, backs...just about anything you need. 

I will also be doing spray tanning - which is awesome!  You will leave looking bronze and beautiful!!  

I will also be doing tons of new peels - which I am soo pumped about....

Check out the website and to make an appointment go to  -

I look forward to starting my position and getting back to what I know and do best!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sale for Mother's Day and Earth Day!!

Click on the Skinstore icon to the right to SAVE 20% on ALL products!

At checkout use this promo code MDAY20

Tons of products on sale - including many skin kits!!!

Be nice to our Mother Earth today as well as your Mother on Mother's Day!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

SAVE 20% today only!!

Click on the SKINSTORE icon on the right of my blog


Save 20% off at checkout by typing in this promo code:


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Save 20% on "Natural" products

Use the promo code NATURAL at checkout to SAVE 20% on these brands.  Click on the Skinstore icon to the right.

Bieux Skin

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Do you need a prescription for your skin?

Do you need some skin care advice?  Would you like to know exactly what to use for your particular skin type?  

Do you have brown spots? Acne? Wrinkles? Dry patches? Normal? Oily? 

That is what I am here for...

If you have questions about a certain product or if you need a complete over haul for your routine...please let me know.

I would be more than happy to give you the best advice that I can.  

I can recommend products, tell you exactly what to use, when to use it, and how to use it...

I can take the guess work out of your routine giving you the best skin ever!!

Here is my email  -

And I look forward to helping each and every one of you!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

You Are Invited!!

Everyone is invited to my RECYCLE YOUR GOLD PARTY FOR CASH!!

When: April 18th  from 6-8 pm

Where:  The Delta Fitness  - 3841 Green Hills Village Drive

What you should bring: Bring all of your broken gold jewelry, out of style gold, dental gold, any GOLD at all and take home CASH in hand!! 

Bring all your friends and  family as well!!  

If someone can not attend but wants to participate - email me and we can make arrangements to meet before and I can take care of it for you!!


I had one friend that made over $700 and one that took home over $800 at the party I attended!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Adapting to Weather Changes

A friend of mine once told me..."if you don't like the weather in Nashville, wait 5 minutes".

One day it is 75 degrees, the next it is rainy, and the next it is snowing and 32 out.


It can not only drive you crazy but also wreck your skin, hair, and makeup regimen.

Here are a few things that I always keep with me either in my purse or car to ensure a "frantic free" look.

Must haves to ensure your gorgeous self through any weather!!!

1.  oil absorbing sheets for your skin - these help to blot away the "greasies" without over-powdering.

2.  water spritzer - this is the SECRET product that I always have with me.  After you blot and then reapply powder to make sure you won't look dry, cakey, and wrinkled - you must spritz on some water.  I learned this many years ago and man does it work!!!  All models do this before they hit the runway.  

3. If your hair is looking flat and it has the "end of the day limps" then you need to use a dry shampoo spray to give it some boost.  It will give you the "just blown out look" you crave!!

4.  No time to brush your pearly whites - put on the Gosmile gloss for fresh breathe and shiny not sticky lips!

Now you are ready for a night out, trip to the mall, or after school meeting.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bronzer obsession!

I am a bit (ahem) obsessed with bronzer!!

I love the sun-kissed look that I get when I use it...I love looking like I have been in the sun without actually being in the sun.

Bronzer is a "recovering tanning bed fanatic's" best friend!!

I do not get in the sun at all - but I really like the look of having a bit of color on my face.  

Steps to a beautiful bronze look!!

1. Use a large fluffy CLEAN brush.
2. Sweep a small amount of bronzer on the planes of your face - temples, outside areas of your forehead, chin and the outside part of your face by your hairline.
3.  Without reapplying more to your brush and to avoid the "oompa loompa" look - sweep the last of what is left on your brush to your nose.
4.  Apply a bit more to your brush and apply to the inside area of your neck, jawline and down to your chest.   

*I prefer a bronzer with a tiny bit of shimmer NOT glitter*

Your done!!  Enjoy a lovely bronzed look - and expect your friends to ask if you just got back from  a Sunny Vacation!!

SHOP on my blog for my favorites!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I have been using Alison Raffaele concealer for about 6 years and it is the absolute best out there!  
I found her line of cosmetics when they first came out and last summer I had the pleasure of having Alison herself "make me over".  

Her concealer never creases, is not oily, has excellent staying power (even on my very oily skin), and covers oh so well!!

I had the same tube for over 3 years!!  It lasts forever!

I use the #2 or #3 color - both work very well on my skin tone.

I am soo excited to be able to offer Alison Raffeale products on my blog!  

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring is here....well the First Day at least!!

I have new offers for you.

There is a private SALE with Skin store!!

So click on the Skinstore icon on the right and at checkout type in BEST20 to save 20%.

The sale lasts for 4 days ONLY!!!  So don't miss out on your favorite brands....

Skinstore also has all of their skin care kits on sale.  SO check those out as well!!

Paula's Choice has all of her products at 10% off!!  CLICK on the Paula's Choice icon to Save!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Conclusion of.. my life in fitness!!

I had entered a 5 mile race in Ky back in 1999.  I thought well this will be easy - I have been "working out" for awhile.  HAHA!  I had NEVER run before!  I had the worst running shoes on - too tight, no padding, a cotton t-shirt, and of course some cool shades.  Let's just say that after an hour my parents started getting worried - finally I came across the finish line (little did everyone know that a golf cart picked me up half way back and dropped me off right before the finish line) PITIFUL!!!!

So when I moved to FL - I thought I am going to become a runner.  I got better shoes, ordered some running clothes from Runner's World...and starting running.  That is from mailbox to mailbox....b/c that was all I could do.  It was soo hard!  I then started going from light pole to light pole.  Then I joined a gym - started using a few free weights and I would run outside on the track around the gym.  After months and months I had gotten up to a mile without stopping.  Let's just say I am not genetically blessed with good cardio genes.  

I decided it was time for my first 5k as a more prepared runner.  It was on the beach - I had never run on sand before.  I had to stop a few times because of a horrible side cramp (at this point I still had not figured out the food part of running).  I finished about 35 minutes later. Hysterical - I won my age group... but there were only 3 of us in my group!!  

I was hooked - I started signing up for race after race.  I started running 3 miles at a time (4 days a week)...I got to be a pretty good runner.  I knocked minutes off of my time while training in FL heat.  I had lost a lot of weight and had gotten pretty thin without adding any muscle at all.  I probably weighted about 115 or so.  I was 27/28.

I then moved to Nashville.  I continued running after work on a treadmill in my apartment complex. Scrapping up enough money I joined a gym (who knew that years later this decision was the best I could have ever made - I met my husband at this gym) - it was 2002.  

I signed up for the Country Music Half-Marathon.  I trained like crazy and finished with a good time.  I then did another one the following year as well as several 10k's and 5k's.  

In 2004, I met Brad.  I was thin .....actually pretty darn skinny.  I remember having a discussion with him about weight training and running.  The comment he made to me changed my way of thinking.  He said "Mindy you can be a runner or you can be fit".  I remember thinking - whatever I can be both!!  

It took awhile for me to understand what he meant by this.  

I was a runner but that was it!!

 I could not bike, do the stairmaster, or lift anything  over 10 pounds.  

In mid 2004 - I started strength training and lifting heavier weights, I kept running but added biking, sprints, doing squats, lunges, abs, chest, and back.......

After about 20 years I feel that I have finally figured it out.  

I have it down to a science now.  

I run a couple of days a week.  Looking at caloric burn instead of mileage.  I do the "beast"  (the large rolling stairmaster) and I spin.  I typically do 4 days a week of cardio now.  Burning from 425-550 calories per workout. Followed with 2 days of challenging weight lifting and strength training. I also have my diet pretty clean as well.  I usually eat about 1200-1600 calories per day - I drink at least 100 ounces of H2o a day.  I have not eaten a bean burrito in almost a decade.  I have not had a drop of alcohol in over 4 years.  I feel strong, confident, not frail and weak like I did when all I did was run.  I have muscles I never knew I could have and I actually think I look better now at 35 then I did when I was 20, 25, or 30!!  I have the body I have always wanted - I just needed the tools to help me get there.  

Thank you Brad Reese for giving me those tools and for your constant motivation!!  You are my biggest fan and I love you!  Here's to many more years of fitness the right way.  

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My Life in Fitness....cont.

I was not the girl that gained weight in one area.  I had gained weight all over like a marshmellow.  My face looked like a moon pie, my legs were much bigger, my butt was waaayyy bigger,  my arms, stomach, everywhere!  I was fat!  

So I traded my 4-5 cans of Dr. Pepper for water and chocolate milk.  My bean burrito from Taco Bell for "Lunchables" and dinner was a bowl of cereal. I pretty much just cut calories a bit.  In a few months I had lost about 12 pounds.  Call it youth... because I certainly was still not exercising at all.  And as you can see my diet was not much better.   I was doing my student teaching so I thought I didn't have time to exercise. 

When I got a job as a full-time teachers aide, I decided to join Curves.  It was soo silly!  A bunch of women at different stations for a minute or so....bouncing, kicking, lifting 2 just was not for me.  I remember they took my body fat by having me hold onto a machine and input my daily workouts...I believe my fat was around 25-27%.  Then after 2-3 weeks of "working out" at their facility they calculated my fat content again - same machine holding it in front of me...they then calculated that I was "working out" 3-4x a week and low and behold I had lost like 10% body fat!!  YEAH RIGHT!  In 3 weeks, not changing my diet at all, no water intake, and at most burning 100 calories a session.  

So I quit Curves.  

It was 1998.  
When I got my first teaching job I joined Gold's Gym - I still pretty much ate the same horrible diet except by this time the water craze had started so at least I had added the "recommended" 64 ounces a day.  I also added a Mexican snack after I would get out of school.  I would pound chips and queso daily!  I discovered Body Pump and the Elliptical machine.  Little did I know that the Elliptical was waaayyy off for caloric burn so when I was thinking that I had burned 450 calories it was really only 250-300!!  So little caloric burn combined with heavy weight lifting and a horrible diet equals a puffy fat bloated look PLUS.....I also was still drinking a lot of  alcohol on the weekends.  NOT GOOD!!!

By the end of 2000 I was still about 27-28% body fat according to Gold's Gym....fat pincheres/aka calipers.  

I then moved to Florida.  I decided I wanted to take up running....surely this would help get some of this fat off my body and make me look the way I wanted.  Little did I know that running was HARD!!!  AND...the elliptical really had not gotten me into very good cardio shape. 

Conclusion tomorrow.......

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Life in Fitness....

I have been consistently exercising for pretty much my entire life. 

I joined my first gym with my mother back when I was in 8th grade.  She stopped pretty soon after but I continued going to an aerobic style class.  I loved it - it was dancing Jane Fonda style.  I was a skinny dorky kid but I loved wearing my shiny pink and turquoise leotard.

In high school I got my hands on a "real" Jane Fonda aerobic tape and did it faithfully in my living room for years!  It was actually challenging and I would sweat like crazy!  I started high school around 5'3" and grew to 5'8" in a year remaining at 100 pounds.  I was really skinny - I hated it!  I would pray nightly to be like the other cheerleaders - curvy, muscular....well it never happened (at least not in high school).  I ate fast food, candy, soft drinks...whatever I wanted!  Ohhh the good ole days!!

College began and I was still a "stickly" gawky girl.  I began going to an aerobic class with an awesome teacher named Julie....I loved her!  She was so positive with an awesome body!  I longed to look just like her.  I did her class for many many years.  4-5 days a week.  I remember getting my body fat checked by her once every 6 months or so - it was around 18%.  I was probably around 110 pounds.  Still ate whatever I wanted - never really thinking about it at all.

During my last years in college I grew away from exercise....and I put on about 38 pounds!  That's right almost 40 pounds!   Not the Freshman 15 but the Junior 40!!

 I never really noticed that I had gotten so fat until I was in Chicago one day walking by the Sears Tower with all of the large mirrors and I said to myself "WOW look at that fat girl in the tight purple shirt....she thinks she is sooo cute....she really should not be wearing that..."....well that fat chic was me!  I cried all the way home from Chicago and immediately went and bought a scale.  I bought the one that made me weigh the was 1996.

to be continued......

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Hurry Up PLEASE!!

I love Spring...the newness to it! 

The purging of old items, the freeing feeling of getting rid of old things, and don't forget Spring cleaning!!  I just love it!!

Fresh flowers, lighter colors, PINK, Easter, new makeup, less lotions, spray tans, sandals, pedicures...ALL OF IT!!

So to celebrate the almost arrival of Spring I am going to add of few of my SPRING favorites!!

So Spring we welcome you!!!  Let the warmth begin!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


If you know me at know that I have been absolutely obsessed with tanning my entire life!!

Now that I am older and much much wiser - I don't dare tan in the sun or the tanning bed!!

I only self-tan!!

I use a daily tanning moisturizer (even in the winter) for a nice light/medium color all over.  Lately I have been using Rodial Daily Brazilian Tan.

Then about 1-2x a week I do my weekly lotion or spray tan for a medium to darker color.  I have several that I really love...anything by Fake Bake absolutely ROCKS!!!  They always give a smooth non streaking look....they have a new one that is for the look of cellulite and tanner in one called Sunless and Skinny.  Depending on what you prefer - Fake Bake has formulas in lotions, a light mousse, a spray, and a new darker formula for those of you that have darker complexions.

If you are terrified of self tanning or if you have had problems with it in the past....your very best bet are the Tanning Towels.  You can't go wrong!!  There is no color on them and you basically just smooth the damp towel all over your body until the towel is dry.  EASY!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The newest "IT" item

I always love finding the newest "IT" item....and then researching to see if it really does what it says it can.

I had a client email to ask about the newest "mascaras" that claim to make your eyelashes grow.  I was a huge skeptic at first.  But WOW the before and after pics were amazing ...could this really work for people that have little to no eyelashes or shorter thinner lashes??

Let the research begin!!

These mascaras which really are not mascaras at all...yes they are in a wand but you actually apply them to the base of your lashes like you would liquid liner.  Then within several weeks your lashes are suppose to start growing.

Here's the discovery story...

Evidently when patients with glaucoma used specific drops and then they came back for their follow up..they had noticeable longer, thicker eyelashes.

Thus the invention of the mascara!

Then came a few lawsuits....each claiming to have the patent for the ingredient etc.

Now having renamed the ingredient there are several out there that according to the research I have found truly do work making your lashes noticeable longer and thicker.  

They are not cheap...ranging from $125 - $175 a tube but for better lashes I am all in!!

Check them out on the right side of my blog.  
Click to purchase - remember today is the last day for the 15% off using the GLAM15 code at checkout!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Best Organic GREEN Products!!

I have not always been  a fan of green/organic/natural products....being that even though a product has "natural" ingredients does not necessarily mean that the product works better or does something different for your skin than a non-organic product.

And I am not really a "natural" girl myself - I have had botox, have highlighted my hair for over 2 decades, love a spray tan, and wear makeup daily......


I do recycle and I try to do my part in not leaving a giant size eco footprint.

So if GOING GREEN is important to is my list of favs!! 

I LOVE products by Juice beauty, Korres, Skyn Iceland!
All of these have eco friendly packaging, ingredients that are safe and effective, and no synthetic fragrance.

So GO GREEN and try a new product that is good for you and our beautiful environment!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Laser Hair Removal.....does it work?

Does Laser Hair Removal this I say YES!!

Being that I performed this service for many many years to hundreds of satisfied clients...I am a fan of the laser for getting rid of unwanted hair.

To get the BEST results possible you must do the following...

1.  Have realistic expectations...that is if you want every single hair to be completely gone forever than laser hair removal (lhr) may not be for you.  Depending on the area you are treating you can expect a 75-90% reduction of hair.

2.  You must follow the exact prescription for the other words...different areas need different amounts of treatments and you may be coming in every 4 weeks or possible every 10 weeks....again it all depends on what area you are treating.

3.  If you skip treatments - you will not have as good of results.  Have your treatments as directed by your aesthetician or laser technician.

4.  Do not tan the area prior to treatment, after treatment, or during treatment. That goes for fake tans and spray tans as well.  This can cause all sorts of issues including hyperpigmented skin, scarring, hypopigmented skin...

5.  Make sure the technician has been certified with the laser he/she is using.   You should not be the first person the tech is working on...ask questions!!

6.  Do not wax or tweeze during treatments.  This can cause a disruption in hair growth thus not working as it should.

7.  You may shave before, during, and after....this does not affect treatments as all!!

8.  Do not come to the salon or office with any lotions, tanners, perfumes, powders or anything on the area to be treated.  

9.  My favorite question of all time....does it hurt?  This depends on how motivated you are to get rid of the hair....if you HATE the hair then you most likely won't care if it hurts or not.  Yes, you can feel the laser hitting the feels like a rubber band snapping on the skin.

10.  The will be able to smell burning hair....think about it...a laser is targeting hair so yes you will smell it.  Again this to me always meant success!!