Friday, September 25, 2009

Save 20% by using this code

Click on the SKINSTORE icon on the right

At checkout type in this code


You will save 20% on your order!!  

Orders over $49 have FREE shipping!!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bacteria oh my!!

So we are all accustomed to washing our hands 20x a day to prevent the spread of disease and germs.  

But what about your cosmetics and other items you touch daily??

Take a look at your makeup bag or you see makeup sponges, brushes, and puffs that are covered with hair, dirt. oil, and makeup??  GROSS!!!  First of all try to clean them with anti-bacteria soap - if they still look dirty and dingy throw them out!!  

What about your foundations, creams, lotions, and anything else that maybe in a liquid form...have they separated?  Have you had them over a year?  Time to pitch them as well.

Now to your makeup bag itself.  Remove all of it contents and clean out your bag - throwing away anything broken such as powders and eye shadows...if your makeup bag it filthy and you can throw it in the washer - do so.  If not then try to clean it with anti-bacterial spray.  

AHHH - now doesn't that look better.

On to mascara - you really should only use mascara for 3-5 months before you throw it out. Don't pump your wand in and out either - it can push bacteria into the casing itself.  I also heard the other day 2 ladies talking about adding water to their mascara to make it last longer - a BIG no no!!!  Again this can add bacteria to your mascara causing you to have a really bad eye infection!!  YUCK!!

Clean your cell phone people - it is such a bacteria ridden thing!!  Simple use rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball - not so much as to damage the phone - but enough to kill the germs, bacteria, and old makeup that are growing in there!!  This can also help tremendously with acne on your cheeks from holding your phone.  

Other places where germs like to live - your steering wheel, your doorknobs, the knobs on your sinks, all gym equipment (drives me crazy when people don't clean off there sweat after they work out....YUCK!!)....

We all want to remain healthy this Fall season - so start cleaning!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Go Crazy on vaca!!

Once a year I step way out of my box. 

Typically, I am an extremely "by the book" type person.  I eat clean 95% of the time, spend very little money, only buy necessities,  save most of what I earn, never check the weather (as you know I am a sun avoider) i.e. never get into the sun, I never have dessert, I workout regularly - 4-6 days per week......I am organized - everything has it's place and I am an all around a routine girl.

Then vacation comes!!

I do everything completely opposite of my "usualness" for one week of the year!!

I go to the beach (with a high SPF on) but still I am at the beach in direct sunlight....for many hours.
I never check the prices of anything - from meals, to shopping - I just buy what I want.
I have dessert at every single meal....anything from Key Lime pie to full fat ice cream!
I exercise - but very little - not checking caloric burn or intensity....just walk for fun.
I don't clean or keep things organized at all....the condo or home we stay in looks like a dorm room....with clothes and things strewn everywhere!

For one week of the year - this is my "going crazy" time!!  I know that a lot of people live this way daily...but I chose to live more of a responsible, hard-working, do the right thing type lifestyle.

It is great for me to be the to be my opposite self - do things I never do - and then get back to my normalcy of everyday life.  

Friday, September 11, 2009

Plumping up your skin!!!

We all want that dewy glowing skin that sweet little children have....:)

No one wants their skin to look old, leathery, dry, and wrinkled - so here is your plan to luminous fresh looking skin!

1.  Cleanse am and pm with a Glycolic Acid cleanser (if this makes you too peely dry or red  - back off and only use 1x per day)

2.  AM - use your SPF 30 or higher every single day for the rest of your life!! Make sure it contains either titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, or parasol 1789 (avobenzone).

3.  Mix your SPF with an antioxidant serum, lotion, or powder for extra protection - and to help with free radicals.

4. Stop using face/blotting type powders - they tend to crease and make you look way older than you are.  Instead use blotting papers throughout the day.

5.  After you finish applying your makeup - always spray lightly with a mineral water spritzer - this will take away the dry and cakey look and give you the Hollywood glow!!  - Even if it is fake!!!

1.  After you have cleansed in the evening - blot your face dry never rub - always use your hands to cleanse and not a wash cloth.  They are tooooo rough on your skin.

2.  Use a topical AHA (alpha hydroxy) - something with salicylic, lactic, or glycolic acids in 

3.  Then apply your topical retinol over the AHA product - layering is just fine!!

4.  If you feel too dry tight or have extra sensitive skin - apply a topical antioxidant - I prefer one with white tea, green tea, or vitamin c in it.

Now get some sleep - it is one of the best ways to have gorgeous glowing skin!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Obagi ON SALE!!!!!

Obagi is NEVER on sale but it is now!  

Save 20% off on Obagi products!!!!

CLICK on the Skinstore icon on the right to purchase.

At checkout type in OBAGI20 to save 20%...

Sale ends September 8th!!

*****Spend $49 or more and you receive FREE shipping always!!!!******

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Obesity in America

According to an article published in the New York Times today September 2, 2009 - 

"Two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. For most, research shows, neither diets nor moderate exercise brings significant long-term weight loss."

"Dieting alone is rarely successful, and relapse rates are high.  Moderate exercise, too, rarely results in substantive long-term weight loss, which requires intensive exercise."  These facts are from a new study from the Centers for Disease Control. 

According to this study - 
"The leisurely after-dinner walk may be pleasant, and it may be better than another night parked in front of the television. But modest exercise of this sort may not do much to reduce weight, evidence suggests."

“People don’t know that a 20-minute walk burns about 100 calories,” said Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom, director of the weight-management center at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. “People always overestimate the calories consumed in exercise, and underestimate the calories in food they are eating.”

I am so glad to read this study - it is something my husband and I have known all along.  

For myself I try to burn at least 400-450 calories during my cardio workouts 4x a week.  Every person  is different and will need to burn different amounts to lose weight.  This just happens to be the number I need to burn per day to keep my weight maintained.  

Keep in mind that many cardio machines over estimate the number of calories burned.  The only way to know for sure exactly how much you have burned is to wear a heart rate monitor.  

Try wearing a pedometer while you run or walk.  Newer stlye pedometers are able to program in your step length and your current weight.  It is amazing to see how long it takes to burn 400 calories while this is not a leisurely walk - you should not be able to carry on a conversation - you should be breathing hard!!  Typically it takes me about 2 hours of walking - about 7 miles to make my goal of 400-450.

There are many days that I do not want to work out - that I would much rather go home then go to the gym BUT I force myself to go and I am ALWAYS glad I did.  

If you would simply write down all of the food and liquids you consume in a journal for a week - you would be completely surprised at the number of calories you have eaten in a day.  Most people should be aiming for 1500-1800 calories per day.  

Do something for yourself today - run/bike ride(not just down hill either) - walk for an hour....drink tons of water - make it your mantra!!