Sunday, March 8, 2009

The newest "IT" item

I always love finding the newest "IT" item....and then researching to see if it really does what it says it can.

I had a client email to ask about the newest "mascaras" that claim to make your eyelashes grow.  I was a huge skeptic at first.  But WOW the before and after pics were amazing ...could this really work for people that have little to no eyelashes or shorter thinner lashes??

Let the research begin!!

These mascaras which really are not mascaras at all...yes they are in a wand but you actually apply them to the base of your lashes like you would liquid liner.  Then within several weeks your lashes are suppose to start growing.

Here's the discovery story...

Evidently when patients with glaucoma used specific drops and then they came back for their follow up..they had noticeable longer, thicker eyelashes.

Thus the invention of the mascara!

Then came a few lawsuits....each claiming to have the patent for the ingredient etc.

Now having renamed the ingredient there are several out there that according to the research I have found truly do work making your lashes noticeable longer and thicker.  

They are not cheap...ranging from $125 - $175 a tube but for better lashes I am all in!!

Check them out on the right side of my blog.  
Click to purchase - remember today is the last day for the 15% off using the GLAM15 code at checkout!!

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