People stop me, email me, phone and text me and 90% of the time they are questions about acne over the age of 30. Mostly people that have never had to deal with acne and are freaking out. Most of them have no clue how to take care of the problem and MOST can easily be fixed with switching up their products.
Here is you plan of action LADIES for your acne issues!!
1. Cleanse am and pm with a mild cleanser - don't break the bank with this one. It is just to remove residue, acne meds from the night before, oil, and makeup.
2. Then use your treatment cleanser again am and pm - one with salicylic acid/glycolic acids and leave it on for 30-45 seconds before you rinse it off....focusing on areas with breakouts. You do not need a wash cloth or any type of "scrubby" pads - just use your CLEAN hands to apply with water. My two favorites are Glycolix and DDF - both available on the right side of my blog.
AM Only
1. Use your SPF 30 - DAILY!!!!! Using acne meds can make you extremely sun sensitive so a high SPF is a must!! My favs are NIA 24 mineral SPF and Cellex C SPF 30. Both excellent choices for those of us dealing with acne. They are mineral based and WILL not pose a problem with your skin.
2. I prefer mineral foundation as your makeup not a favorite is Bare Minerals! Nothing in mineral foundations will break out your skin or clog your pores.
1. After you cleanse with your mild cleanser and your treatment cleanser...using only your hands not a wash cloth which can harbor bacteria. You will use your MD Skincare Peel is the absolute BEST thing for any one dealing with acne. From teens to adults - dry to extremely oily. Use Step 1 first all over your face and neck if you suffer from acne on your neck. About 3 minutes should do it then you can neutralize with Step 2...this peel kit can be used every night or every other or even ever third if it makes you to dry peely or red. It contains glycolic and salicylic acids. Both a must for dealing with acne. Available on the right side of my blog.
2. Then after Step 2 has dried - use ONE of the following. A Retinol product or Benzoyl Peroxide (BPO). Not both and not on the same night. Choose one or the other. Retinol can and should be applied all over your face - BPO should be applied on the areas that you break out ONLY!! Both can and will make you red, peely, and dry - so use sparingly. If you become to irritated back off and use every third night or until your skin becomes less irritated.
My favorite Retinols are Affirm and Skin Medica.
My favorite BPOs are DDF and B Kamins - both well formulated.
All of these products are available on my blog.
Read the past post to receive 20% off from SKINSTORE - today is the last day of the sale!
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